Medical Photonics / Semester information / Summer term 2018 / * Winter term 2017/2018 * / 1st semester / Module A1.2 - Optical Engineering
Module A1.2 - Optical Engineering
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Herbert Gross
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Herbert Gross, Dr. Michael Kempe
- Lectures: every Thursday 14.15 - 15.45 Uhr (SR1 Physik), starting on Oct 19th
- Exercise: every second Tuesday 12.15 - 13.45 Uhr (SR2 Physik).
- Course materials: Please, follow this link
Week | Lecturer | Subject | Content |
1 |
Gross | Introduction | Materials, dispersion, ray picture, geometrical approach, paraxial approximation |
2 |
Gross | Geometrical optics | Ray tracing, matrix approach, aberrations, imaging, Lagrange invariant |
3 |
Gross | Components | Lenses, mirrors, stops, cardinal elements, prisms |
4 |
Gross | Optical systems | Field, aperture, pupil, magnification, infinity cases, lens makers formula, etendue, vignetting |
5 |
Gross | Aberrations | Introduction, primary aberrations, miscellaneous |
6 |
Gross | Diffraction | Basic phenomena, wave optics, interference, diffraction calculation, point spread function, transfer function |
7 |
Gross | Image quality | Spot, ray aberration curves, PSF and MTF, criteria |
8 |
Gross | Photometry | Notations, fundamental laws, Lambert source, radiative transver, photometry of optical systems |
9 |
Kempe | Instruments I | Human eye, loupe, collimator, eyepieces, camera lenses, scan systems |
10 |
Kempe | Instruments II | Microscopic objectives, microscope system, microscopic illumination |
11 |
Kempe | Instruments III | Medical instrumentation, zoom systems, telescopes |
12 |
Gross | Optical design | Aberration correction, system layouts, optimization, realization aspects |
13 |
Gross | Illumination systems | Light sources, basic systems, quality criteria, nonsequential raytrace |
14 |
Gross | Metrology | Measurement of basic parameters, quality measurements |
A copy of the slides used in the course can be downloaded here.