Module A1.1 - Mathematical Methods
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Herbert Gross
Lecturer: Dr. Holger Babovsky
- Lectures: every Tuesday 8.15 - 9.45 a.m. (Lecture hall 2 Physik), starting on Oct 17th.
- Exercise: every second Monday 14.15 - 15.45 a.m. (SR4 Physik)
The seminar on December fourth starts at 16.00 - Tutorium: every second Monday 14.15 - 15.45 a.m. (SR4 Physik; alternating with the exercises)
- Course materials: Will be distributed during the course
Week | Content | Exercises |
1 |
Matrices I |
Series 1 |
2 |
Matrices II |
Please calculate in Ex1 the product of the matrices only and ignore (v) and (x) of Ex2, as we did not make everything on the determinant in the lecture. |
3 |
Holiday |
4 |
Matrices III |
5 14.11.2017 |
Matrices IV Matrices in Optics: Translation, Refraction, thin Lenses
Series 3 |
6 21.11.2017 |
Matrices V Simultaneous linear Equations: Gaussian Elimination Direct Inversion, LU Decomposition, Cramer's rule; Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors |
7 28.11.2017 |
Fourier Series I |
The seminar on December fourth starts at 16.00 |
8 05.12.2017 |
Fourier Series II |
9 12.12.2017 |
Fourier Series III; Fourier Transformation I |
10 19.12.2017 |
Fourier Transformation II |
11 09.01.2018 |
Fourier Transformation III; Ordinary differential Equations I Convolution and Parseval's theorem; Examples, classification |
Series 6 |
12 16.01.2018 |
Ordinary differential Equations II Geometrical representation, seperable differential eqations |
13 23.01.2018 |
Ordinary differential Equations III
Series7 |
14 30.01.2018 |
Ordinary differential Equations IV Exact differential equations |
15 06.02.2018 |
Ordinary differential Equations V Homogeneous, linear, second order differential equations |
Basic tasks and their solution on differentiation and integration.
Here you can find a mock exam and its solution in preparation of this semesters exam.