Our master's degree programme MedicalPhotonics offers students an intensive training at the interface between medicine and optics/photonics. Students having completed their studies in Medicine or having a bachelor's degree in Physics, Chemistry or Life Sciences will get the possibility to enhance their knowledge and to specialize in an interdisciplinary field of medicine that relies on optical and photonic methods. More information about the application requirements can be found here.
The aim of the master's degree programme in Medical Photonics is to prepare students for scientific and research-oriented careers within the field of Medical Optics and Photonics. Students of this master's degree programme will gain deeper theoretical, methodical and systematical insights into branches of biology, medicine, mathematics, chemistry and physics. At the same time students will gather the necessary experimental skills for doing research in the area of Medical Photonics. Adjustment modules offered at the beginning of the master programme aim at complementing the student's knowledge in the neighboring disciplines. Additional modules will provide training in basic skills such as programming, statistics and image processing, which is fundamental to all other modules. In elective courses students will have the possibility to get specialized training in various subfields of MedicalPhotonics, such as microscopy, spectroscopy and diagnostics as well as clinical applications of these techniques. The modular structure of the curriculum allows individual combinations. More information about the curriculum of the master's degree programme is available here.
All theoretical and practical modules are organized jointly by the faculties of medicine, physics and astronomy, chemistry and earth sciences and several non-university research institutes. All courses and examinations will be held in English. The master's thesis can be completed in laboratories of the university, in non-university research institutes or in laboratories of partners in the local industry.
The programme is complemented by language and soft skills courses offered by the Graduate Academy of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
The master's degree in Medical Photonics qualifies students for Ph.D. programmes at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Medical doctors having the master's degree qualify for M.D./Ph.D. programmes of the Medical Faculty. Graduates of the M.Sc. Medical Photonics will also have excellent prospects in finding a job at technology-related companies in optics, medical technology or life sciences.
Contact persons for questions related to the Master degreee programme Medical Photonics:
Dr. Holger Babovsky
Coordinator Medical Photonics
Tel: 03641-9-391126
Prof. Dr. Christoph Biskup
AG Biomolekulare Photonik
Universitätsklinikum Jena
Nonnenplan 4
07740 Jena
Tel: 03641-9-397800
Fax: 03641-9-397802
Contact persons for general questions (i.e. application/enrolment process):
Master Service Centre
contact: https://www.uni-jena.de/en/consultation-master
To apply for the programme please use the link:
Applicants from within Germany or the European Union who do not need to apply for a visa to be able to study in Germany might get admitted after the official deadline has expired. If you are interested to submit a last minute application, please send your inquiry to the coordinator of the programme, Dr. Babovsky:

The master degree programme starts only in winter terms. A regsitration to this program is only possible from April 1st to July 15th. More information about the application process can be found here. Please, submit your applications by following the link https://www.uni-jena.de/en/msc-medical-photonics.