Medical Photonics / Semester information / Summer term 2018 / * Winter term 2017/2018 * / 1st semester
1st semester
Welcome to the Master programme M.Sc. Medical Photonics of the first semester !
Lectures & exercises
During the winter term 2017/2018 the following courses will be offered:
- Pre Courses
- Module A1.1 - Mathematical Methods
- Module A1.2 - Optical Engineering
- Module A1.3 - Physical Chemistry
- Module A1.4 - Human Biology
- Module F1.1 - Image Processing I
- Module F1.2 - Biomedical Imaging
The schedule of the winter term 2017/2018 can be found here. Lectures will start on Monday, October 16th, 2017.
The start of the exercises will be anounced in the respective lecures. No seminar/exercise starts prior to the respective lecture.
Detailed information about the exams (dates, topics) will be also given in the lectures. A (preliminary) survey of the exam dates is available here.