Medical Photonics / Semester information / Winter term 2021/2022 / 3rd semester / Module S3.11 - Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Module S3.11 - Mass Spectrometry Imaging
apl. Prof. Dr. Ferdinand von Eggeling, Dr. Franziska Hoffmann
- Lectures will take place via Zoom and with moodle
- Exercise on agreement (Am Klinikum 1, F2, Ebene 00 , registration in room 58)
- please contact Dr. Babovsky () if you intend to participate in the module
The aim of this course is to present modern methods of Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI)
for the analysis of complex tissue sections. These techniques like MALDI (Matric assisted
laser desorption and ionization) Imaging or Desorption ionization electrospray imaging
(DESI) are especially used for the analysis of tumor tissues.
The potential as well as the limitations of these label-free spectrometric techniques towards
a more differentiated medical diagnosis will be discussed.
Week | Content |
1 |
Why (MALDI) imaging? Additional information can be found in DOSIS: soon |
2 | Mass spectrometers, types and technical principles |
3 | Other MS Imaging techniques (SIMS etc) |
4 | How MALDI Imaging works (example, from patient to image) |
5 | Working with differant material (Kryo, FFPE) |
6 | MALDI Imaging technical aspects (spatial resolution) |
7 | MALDI Imaging technical aspects (mass resolution) |
8 | DESI analysis of tissues ex vivo, intelligent Knife in-vivo |
9 | Looking for of biomarker and Identification of Biomarker |
10 | Correlation to spectroscopic imaging techniques |
11 | Fancy imaging techniques |
12 | Multimodal and augmented reality |
13 | How to find literature and about scientific social media |
14 | Exam I |
15 | Exam II |
Exercises will be organized in blocks every four weeks:
1. | Tissue Preparation |
2. | On slide digestion and Matrix application |
3. | MALDI Imaging |
4. | Software analysis |
Requirements to complete the module:
- oral exam at the end of the semester