Medical Photonics / Semester information / Winter term 2021/2022 / 3rd semester / Module S3.08 - Biomaterials
Module S3.08 - Biomaterials
Prof. Dr. Klaus Jandt
Prof. Dr. Klaus Jandt, PD Dr. Jörg Bossert, Dr. Izabela Firkowska-Boden, Mathias Kirchner
- Lectures: every Monday 14.00 - 15.30 (SR127, Löbdergraben 32), starting on Oct 18th.
- Exercise: every second Thursday 14.00 - 15.30 (SR127, Löbdergraben 32)
- !!Please enrol to the module in FRIEDOLIN!!
Biomaterials are widely used in regenerative medicine and dental medicine, where
biological substitutes and scaffolds are created to mimic and replace natural tissues.
The main aim of this course is to introduce the student to the field of biomaterials,
applications where the optical properties of biomaterials are important and the
characterization of biomaterials with optical techniques.
Topics covered in the course are:
- Fundamentals of Materials Science
- Application of biomaterials in clinical medicine
- Bone replacement
- Dental materials
- Biomaterials for ophthalmologic applications
- Materials and scaffolds for biomedical engineering
- Cell mechanics, cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions
- Biomimetics
- Optical methods for inspection, characterization and imaging of biomaterials
- Light microscopy (LM, CLSM)
- Spectroscopy and scattering
- X-ray diffraction
- Electron microscopy (SEM-FIB, ESEM, TEM)
- Atomic force microscopy
- X-ray microtomy
- 3D-reconstruction
- Preparation of samples
- Biological reactions to biomaterials
Requirements to complete the module:
- written exam at the end of the semeseter
Exam dates
- date: 07.02.2022
- time: 14:00-15:30
- location: SR 127 (Löbdergraben 32)