Medical Photonics / Semester information / Winter term 2018/2019 / 3rd semester / Module S3.04 - Nanooptics
Module S3.04 - Nanooptics
Coordinator / Lecturer
Prof. Dr. Isabel Staude
- Lectures: every Monday 12.15 - 13.45 (Auditorium ACP, Beutenberg), starting on Oct 15th.
The course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the broad research field of
nanooptics. The students will learn about different concepts which are applied to control
light at subwavelength spatial dimensions. Furthermore they will learn how light and
nanostructures can be used to investigate physical phenomena with a spatial resolution not
accessible with standard far field approaches to microscopy. After successful completion of
the course the students should be capable of understanding present problems of the
research field and should be able to solve basic problems using advanced literature.
To reach this objective the course will cover a basic introduction to the following topics:
- Propagating modes and localized modes
- Mie-scattering
- Surface-plasmon-polaritons
- Plasmonics
- Photonic crystals
- Photonic nanomaterials
- Basics of nanotechnologies for the realization of optical nano-structures
- Techniques for the experimental characterization of optical nano-structures
Requirements to complete the module
- will be announced in the lecture