Biomagnetic Center - Dirk Hoyer

Head of Reseach Group System Analysis
Research focus
Selected publications
Hoyer, D., Schneider, U., Kowalski, E.- M., Schmidt, A., Witte, O. W., Schleussner, E., Hatzmann, W., Gronemeyer, D. H., van Leeuwen P.: Validation of functional fetal autonomic brain age score fABAS in 5 min short recordings. Physiol Meas: 36, 2369-78, 2015.
Hoyer, D., Kowalski, E.- M., Schmidt, A., Tetschke, F., Nowack, S., Rudolph, A., Wallwitz, U., Kynass, I., Bode, F., Tegtmeyer, J., Kumm, K., Moraru, L., Gotz, T., Haueisen, J., Witte, O. W., Schleussner, E., Schneider U.: Fetal autonomic brain age scores, segmented heart rate variability analysis, and traditional short term variability. Frontiers in human neuroscience: 8, 948, 2014.
Hoyer, D., Nowack, S.,Bauer, S.,Tetschke, F., Rudolph, A., Wallwitz, U., et al.: Fetal development of complex autonomic control evaluated from multi scale heart rate patterns. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 304, R383–R392, 2013
Hoyer, D., Tetschke, F., Jaekel, S., Nowack, S., Witte, O .W., Schleußner, E., et al.: Fetal functional brain age assessed from universal developmental indices obtained from neuro-vegetative activity patterns. PLoSOne 8:e74431, 2013.
Hoyer, D., Heinicke, E., Jaekel, S., Tetschke, F., Di Pietro Paolo, D., Haueisen, J., Schleußner, E., Schneider, U.: Indices of fetal development derived from heart rate patterns. Early Human Development, 85(6): 379-86, 2009.
Hoyer, D., Frank, B., Götze, C., Stein, P. K., Zebrowski, J. J., Baranowski, R., Palacios, M., Vallverdu, M., Caminal, P., Bayes De Luna, A., Schmidt, G., Schmidt, H.: Interactions between short-term and long-term cardiovascular control mechanisms - a new aspect in risk stratification. Chaos, 17: 015110-1 - 015110-8, 2007.
Hoyer, D., Maestri, R., La Rovere, M. T., Pinna, G. D.: Autonomic response to cardiac dysfunction in chronic heart failure: a risk predictor based on autonomic information flow. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (PACE), 31: 74-80, 2008.
Hoyer, D., Friedrich, F., Stein, P. K., Domitrovich, P. P., Hoyer, H., Faldu, C., Buchman, T. G.: Autonomic Information Flow Improves Prognostic Value of Heart Rate Patterns after Abdominal Aortic Surgery. Critical Care: 23(2), 255-62, 2008.
Schmidt, H., Hoyer, D., Hennen, R., Heinroth, K., Rauchhaus, M., Prondzinsky, R., Hottenrott, K., Buerke, M., Müller-Werdan, U., Werdan, K.: Autonomic Dysfunction Predicts Both One- and Two-Month Mortality in Middle-Aged Patients with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome. Critical Care Medicine: 36(3), 967-70, 2008.
Schneider, U., Schleussner, E., Fiedler, A., Jaekel, S., Liehr, M., Haueisen, J., Hoyer, D.: Fetal heart rate variability reveals differential dynamics in the intrauterine development of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. Physiol Meas.: 30(2), 215-26, 2009.