Module A1.3 - Physical Chemistry
apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Schmitt
Dr. Dana Cialla-May, Dr. Jer-Shing Huang, apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Schmitt
- Lectures + Exercises:
Monday 12.30 - 14.00 (SR 122, August-Bebel-Str. 4) +
Thursday 08.15 - 09.45 (SR 122, August-Bebel-Str. 4)
Friday 08.15 - 09.45 (SR 122, August-Bebel-Str. 4) - on Thursday, October 19, the lecture will start at 09:00 am.
Please enrol in Friedolin for this course. For the exam registration via DOSIS within the first 10 weeks after the start of the lecture period is necessary. You will get a note via e-mail when the DOSIS portal is open.
Week | Lecturer | Subject |
Week 1 19.10.2023 |
Ramoji |
Introduction and Overview history thermodynamics, definitions |
20.10.2023 | Ramoji |
First law of thermodynamics work and heat, path dependence of work, Internal energy |
Week 2 23.10.2023 |
Ramoji |
Thermochemistry standard enthalpy changes, Hess’s law, spontaneous reactions |
26.10.2023 | Ramoji |
Second law of thermodynamics dispersal of energy, entropy, Helmholtz and Gibbs energies |
27.10.2023 | Cialla-May |
seminar |
Week 3 30.10.2023 |
Ramoji |
Physical transformation Phase diagrams, Chemical potential |
02.11.2023 |
Ramoji |
Transport phenomena osmosis, dialysis, diffusion, Fick's law |
03.11.2023 |
Cialla-May | seminar |
Week 4 06.11.2023 |
Cialla-May |
seminar |
09.11.2023 |
Huang |
Chemical equilibrium I Electrochemistry, electrochemical reactions, cell potential |
10.11.2022 |
Huang |
Chemical equilibrium II equilibrium constant, LeChatelier’s principle, Henderson-Hasselbalch equation |
Week 5 13.11.2023 |
Huang |
Chemical equilibrium III Nernst equation, standard potential |
16.11.2023 | Huang |
Chemical kinetics I empirical methods, rates of reactions, rate laws, rate constant, half lifetime
17.11.2023 | Cialla-May | seminar |
Week 6 20.11.2023 |
Huang |
Chemical kinetics II Arrhenius equation, activation energy, transistion complex |
23.11.2023 |
Huang |
Chemical kinetics III Chemical kinetics of complex reactions |
24.11.2023 |
Cialla-May | seminar |
Week 7 27.11.2023 |
Huang | Reaction Mechanisms |
30.11.2023 |
Huang |
Experimental methods for kinetics I classical methods, like stopped-flow method |
01.12.2023 |
Cialla-May | seminar |
Week 8 04.12.2023 |
Huang |
Experimental methods for kinetics II Ion beam, pump-probe, ultrafast spectroscopy |
07.12.2023 |
Huang | Chemical potential surface |
08.12.2023 |
Cialla-May | seminar |
Week 9 11.12.2023 |
Schmitt |
Breakdown of classical mechanics black body radiation, photoelectric effect, Compton effect etc. |
14.12.2023 |
Cialla-May |
seminar |
15.12.2023 | Schmitt | Wave-particle duality, Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, de Broglie relationship |
Week 10 18.12.2023 |
Schmitt | Schrödinger equation, wavefunction, operator, quantization |
21.12.2023 |
Cialla-May | seminar |
22.12.2023 | Schmitt | Particle in a box; harmonic oscillator |
Week 11 08.01.2024 |
Schmitt |
Hydrogen atom atomic spectra of hydrogen like atoms |
11.01.2024 |
Cialla-May | seminar |
12.01.2024 | Schmitt |
Structure and spectra of multielectron atoms Pauli principle, Hund’s rule |
Week 12 15.01.2024 |
Schmitt |
Molecular structure: Born-Oppenheimer approximation, valence bond theory (hybridization) |
18.01.2024 |
Cialla-May |
seminar |
19.01.2024 | Schmitt | Molecular structure: Variational principle; perturbation theory |
Week 13 22.01.2024 |
Schmitt | Molecular structure: Molecular orbital theory |
25.01.2024 |
Cialla-May |
seminar |
26.01.2024 | Schmitt |
Molecular structure: Molecular orbital theory Slater determinat, Hückel approximation |
Week 14 29.01.2024 |
Schmitt |
Hartree-Fock method electron correlation |
01.02.2024 |
Cialla-May |
seminar |
02.02.2024 | Schmitt |
Hartree-Fock method configuration interaction |
Week 15 05.02.2024 |
Schmitt |
Density functional theory I Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem |
08.02.2024 |
Cialla-May | seminar |
09.02.2024 | Schmitt |
Density functional theory II Kohn-Sham approach |