Medical Care
This field covers cytogenetic diagnostics and includes pre- and postnatal analyses on metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei in order to detect discrepancies in chromosome number and structure by conventional and molecular-cytogenetics (FISH) methods
Prenatal cytogenetic diagnostics:
submission form prenatal cytogenetics
There are numerous medical indications for a prenatal chromosome investigation. These analyses are performed in our institution for the following materials:
· amnion cells
· chorionic villi
· abortion material
The decision, which type of cells is used for chromosome analysis depends on the indication and the gestational age.
Postnatal cytogenetic diagnostics:
submission form postnatal cytogenetics
In some cases it is reasonable to analyze the chromosomes of the patients with a certain clinical indication. The following materials can be analyzed in our institute:
· heparin blood
· skin fibroblasts