I graduated from Bioinformatics and AI master program from Sharif University of Technology. I received my bachelor degree in Information Technology from Amir Kabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic). During my bachelor program, I was always eager to profound my knowledge and experience in different aspects of Computer Science. My penchant in following these subjects motivated me to enroll in different courses; such as Discrete and Combinational Mathematics, Advanced Programming, Data Base Design, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I chose my bachelor thesis on the field of co-authorship network of my bachelor. Furthermore, regarding my prior interest in data science and biology, I decided to obtain my master in bioinformatics. Accordingly, for my master thesis on focusing on AI and data modeling methods beneficiary for the mentioned purpose, after data gathering, preprocessing and analysis of the datasets I used data modelling and machine learning methods to retrieve factors shaping a specific behavior among my data set of beta cells, by extracting the behavioral pattern of its cell cycle, the genes controlling it and the effect on Diabetes. In final years of my bachelor studies, I worked in an international youth-run, non-governmental and Not-for-profit organization, called AIESEC, that provides young people with leadership development, cross-cultural any internships, and volunteer exchange globalist experiences. The organization focuses on empowering young people to make a progressive social impact. Working in this amazing organization was a life-changing experience developing my practical skills and challenging my perspectives of myself and the forces shaping our global community. Besides that I have perfossinal experiences working in data science and image analysis in different companies, working with Python, R, Matlab and Java mostly in Linux.
My background and practical experiences that I have, assures me I want to continue my journey in computer science and its application in solving and understanding biological aspects as I found out using programing and computational methods in such problems would make huge breakthroughs.
What is your project/research about? What would you like to find out?
My project focused on Changs in individual BrainAGE score and brain plasticity induced by physical activity. BrainAGE is an innovative biomarker of individual brain health, which is derived using high-dimensional MRI data in a machine-learning framework. BrainAGE shows the underlying ‘age’ of the brain, whereby an ‘older’ brain in adults indicates increased risks of cognitive impairments, neurodegenerative diseases and mortality. The project will focus on analyzing the effect of various interventions that be analysed with regards to changes in individual BrainAGE. We expect effects of the gut-microbiome on individual BrainAGE in cross-sectional human studies as well as protective effects of the various interventions on the individual brain aging trajectories. By using MRI images as an input and external factors such as physical activities, we try to undrestand the pattern and behavior explaining specific charactersitics. As in my project, I will mostly focus on the preprocessing part when the input and the images are preprocessed using mathematicaly prepared using proper tools and algortihms.
Why did you apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN and especially this project?
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN), which is a well-known program in Europe. This program brings together universities, research institutes and businesses and creates this great network with researchers and scientist. This will bring about privileges for both academics and industry purposes and opportunities for scientists to strengthen their knowledge and perspectives. SmartAge, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Network, brings together researchers and scientists with the aim of improving cognitive functions in old age by studying the potential of intestinal microbes in their effect on the brain. That is why I am excited about joining the ITN SmartAge network as PhD student, hoping to get the chance to be a part of its research projects to fulfill my longtime wish. Besides, the academicals background and the research history of one of the advisors, Professor Christian Gaser, got me more interested. His research program is directed toward the development of advanced computation tools for the analysis of structural brain data. Besides publishing outstanding papers, he has developed BrainAGE framework to study MRI images and VBM toolboxes all of which are heavily used by the scientific community.
Moreover, the years I spent on being a data scientist not being able to find positions in my desired direction in Iran and not being satisfied with my experiences made me feel something is missing and I must be on another direction following my interest. Even though I tried to keep in touch with my academicals community by participating in multiple research groups and paper reading sessions, I get more persistent to pursue my true passion. After doing some research, I came to this resolution that with the great bonding between the industry and scientific community in Germany I will be able to study and work in my desirable environment. Jena University Hospital which was founded in 1558, values interdisciplinary work and internationalism and puts these goals into action by connecting biomedical researches and technological approaches which is one of my main values in my academicals journey. Also, the city of Jena also is famous for its multiculturalist and being a student city with the majority of population, approximately 40% of the total population. Correspondingly, Jena is a center of education and research. There are many institutes of the leading German research societies and the city's economy is based on the high-technology industry and research. These features make Jena a suitable choice for a foreign student to start its doctoral studies and future endeavors in the industry.
What is so fascinating for you on research in general?
I am very interested in working in cross-functional teams focusing on projects including major goals in which not only I will be able to use my knowledge but also, I will broaden my expertise on AI applications desirably in biology and health related matters. I am very interested in working in cross-functional teams focusing on projects including major goals in which not only I will be able to use my knowledge but also, I will broaden my expertise on AI applications desirably in biology and health related matters.
What do you do in your free time? Do you have special interests/hobbies?
I am a huge fane of nature and hiking. As I said before one of my motives to come to Jena, was its unique and beautiful nature. Besides that I love exercising and bicycle riding, either in the nature or in the city as a way of transportation. I can say I am a food lover so one of my hobbies is to go to restaurants and cafes to spend some time with my friends and eat good and exciting foods and beverages. Reading books and watching videos focusing on Science and adventure are also an entertainment for me. Other activities that I enjoy include watching movies and TV shows.
What are your plans for your future? Where/what you will be in 5 years?
I am planning to participate in future projects in the industry, which bring about the proper implication of scientific approaches in neuroscience, which improves human health and life quality. In the next 5 years, I have broaden my knowledge on the course of neuroscience and AI implications on this matter, specifically the ones that can aid the course of brain disease discovery, treatment and recovery.