home / Research / Archive 2015-2020 / Post-acute care and (long-term) outcome research | Repair / Icosmos
Quality improvement in infection control and sepsis management in model regions
Sepsis – major indicator for quality improvement in healthcare
- Sepsis is a frequent condition in health care with rising numbers, considerable mortality, and relevant strain on resources.
- Quality initiatives in several countries were able to lower sepsis-related mortality by 10 – 30%
ICOSMOS – sustainable improvements in health care
- Individualized quality reports – measuring your own quality and benchmarking with other participating hospitals as well as the “German average”.
- Support in trainings towards a more adequate coding
- Support in establishing and enhancing a sepsis quality management
- Supply of training- and information-material for seminars and training
- Optional participation in external peer-reviews
ICOSMOS – little effort and costs, high security and confidentiality
- No extra documentation needed – all analyses are based on routinely collected data (§21 KHEntgG)
- All costs for data management and quality reports are covered by funding (BMBF)
- Data analyses an management in cooperation with 3M Health Information Systems (3M HIS), Germany, an experienced long-term partner in the field of quality management and routine data for other national and international quality intiatives (e.g. “IQM”).
- Warranty of privacy and confidentiality – no publication of hospital related data by the study coordination team, no access to hospital related data for any other Jena University Hospital personnel than the study coordination team.
- Small annual participation fee