- Confirmation of diagnosis in cases of unclear bone and soft tissue processes
- Weekly multidisciplinary sarcoma board – also as emergency sarcoma board when acute treatment decisions are necessary
- Medicinal tumour therapy - Department for Internal Medicine II
- Radiotherapy - Department for Radiotherapy and Radiooncology
- Surgical tumour therapy with close interdisciplinary involvement of all necessary surgical disciplines at the University Hospital of Jena
- Cooperation with the Sarcoma Centre Leipzig within the Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Germany and beyond with the Sarcoma Centre Berlin-Brandenburg
Structured, guideline-based tumour follow-up
For Health professionals
Spectrum des SarcomaCentre Jena

Contact partners
Orthopaedic Oncology and Sarcoma Surgery
Orthopaedic Oncology and Sarcoma Surgery
Department of Trauma, Hand & Reconstructive Surgery
Tel.: +49 3641 - 9 32 28 28
Fax: +49 3641 - 9 32 28 02
Operative therapy of bone and soft tissue tumours of the musculoskeletal system, biopsies
Retroperitoneal and Intra-abdominal Sarcomas (incl. GIST)
Department of General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery
Tel.: +49 3641 - 9 32 26 01
Fax: +49 3641 - 9 32 26 02
Tumours of the abdominal cavity and abdominal wall
Medical Oncology
Department of Internal Medicine II – Division of Haematology and Medical Oncology
Tel.: +49 3641 - 9 32 42 50
Fax: +49 3641 - 9 32 42 02
Drug-based Tumour Therapy

PD Dr. med. Karin Schrenk (Wirth)