Doctoral Candidates

Jena University Hospital
SP10 - Glycosylation in the aging and diseased brain
SP7 - Metabolic memory of cells as posttranslational modifications (PTMs) – PTMs as key regulators of metabolic ageing in adult stem cells
SP15 - Comprehensive Landscape of Age-induced alterations in protein Ubiquitination and Deubiquitination
SP20 - Identification of novel O-GlcNAcylated substrates in endothelial cells and investigation of their role in senescence and ageing
SP9 - Oxidative posttranslational modification of the pro-aging factor SEMO-1, a C. elegans ortholog of selenium binding protein 1: Effects on stress resistance and lifespan
SP12 - Visualization of protein modifications and their impact on the electrical signalling
SP15 - Functional characterisation of AGE modifications in ageing
SP11 - Age-dependent impact of nitrosative stress-induced changes of mineralocorticoid receptor signaling
SP2 - The impact of glycosylation and glycation on the generation and uptake of vehicles in aging cells
SP16 - Glycosylation in Alzheimer-associated proteins in the context of microglia-mediated inflammation and disturbed blood-brain barrier functions
SP18 - Molecular differences underlying functional impairment of aged muscle stem cells
SP1 - Glutathion modulates glycation
SP19 - Bioinformatics analysis of transcriptional and epigenomic responses to posttranslational modifications
SP20 - Survey of the Post-Translational Modification Landscape in Ageing via
Trapped Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry
SP16 - Proteostasis at the old blood-brain barrier: Implications for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
SP12 - Visualisation of protein modifications and their impact on cell signalling
SP8 - RAGE-independent induction of cellular signaling in the cardiovascular system by AGEs
SP13 - The effect of glycating agents on the AMPK pathway in endothelial cells – relevance for senescence and ageing
SP8 - Hypoxie dependence of senescence induction by glycative substances in the cardiovascular system
SP14 - Identification and characterization of Nitrilase- and β-cateninmediated cellular responses in aging
SP13 - Functional Characterization of CML modifications in Endothelial Cells
SP13 - Regulation of SIRT7 stability in senescence and aging
SP8 - Cellular and molecular impact of nuclear protein glycation

MLU Halle-Wittenberg
SP7 - Role of the PPARy acetylation and the AMPK/ SIRT/ PPARy cascade in mesenchymal
stem cell ageing
SP22 - Cross-talk of protein oxidation and protein phosphorylation in insulin secretion
SP17 - Role of PTMs in senescent-induced transformation of the secretory pathway
SP19 - Development of novel epigenetic clocks based on posttranslational modifications of histones
SP8 - Histone glycation, cellular senescence and vascular aging - from molecular mechanism to translation
SP11 - The influence of nitrosative stress on the mineralocorticoid receptor in vessels during ageing
SP17 - Analysis of the function of the anti-ageing glycoprotein Klotho in the choroid plexus
Medical Doctorands
SP8 - Testing scores and their predictive value with regard to postoperative outcome measured in morbidity and (bio-)functionality in older patients undergoing cardiac surgery

SP16 - The impact of protein homeostasis in the clearance of amyloid beta peptide at the aged blood-brain barrier
SP13 - The role of VEGF signalling pathways in endothelial senescence
SP16 - Endothelial Aging at the BBB: Impact of disturbed proteostasis on SARS-Cov-2 infection
SP13 - Characterisation of the glyoxalase system in endothelial cells
SP2 - The influence of glycation on the severity and progression of the GNE associated disease sialuria
Former Medical Doctorands
Anja Leheis | SP13 - Characterisation of glyoxal-induced protein modification and functional alteration in endothelial cells |
Astrid Junk | SP8 - Analysen zum Einbau glykierter Aminosäuren in neu synthetisierte Proteine |
Blenda Emini |
SP13 - Characterization of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) in young and senescent endothelial cells |
Birte Gohde | SP8 - Induction of oxidative defense by AGE-rich components of bread crust in vivo |
Dorothea Lenz | SP8 - Analysis of heterogeneity of cellular senescence |
Edina Korca | SP8 - Autoantibodies against AGEs in patients undergoing coronary bypass grafting |
Festa Serhati | SP8 - Autoantibodies against advanced glycation end-products in the probands of the CARLA cohort study |
Johanna de Nivelle | SP7 - Influence of maternal age on the glyoxalase system in the reproductive tract organs and preimplanation embryos |
Judith-Elisabeth Riemer | SP2 - Characterisation of proteasome shuttling factors and their impact on misfolded proteins in age-related neurodegenerative diseases |
Julian Herpell | SP13 - Characterisation of age-dependent alterations in the expression of transcripts and proteins in murine endothelial cells |
Maximilian Buske | SP7 - The characterisation of the ApoE knockout rabbit as a model of metabolic ageing in female reproduction |
Rabea Marie Fasse | SP7 - Quantification of histone H3 lysine 27 (H3K27) modification in adipose-derived stem/stromal cells (ASCs) from young and old rabbits |
Rebecca Rosenstengel | SP2 - Analysis of transcription factors regulating the expression of GNE throughout the progression of GNE-myopathy and their role during aging |
Sarah Ali Elam Elasfour | SP13 - Heme oxygenase 1 upregulation as a stress defence mechanism in glyoxal-treated cells? |
Vanessa Hagenhaus | SP2 - Acetylation and glycosylation in protein folding and misfolding: Impact on ageing-related diseases |
Veronika Weber | SP2 - The effect of glycation on the permeability of human blood-brain barrier |
Vjollca Jahiu | SP10 - Functional analysis of models for hereditary glycosylation disorders |