Aktueller Forschungsschwerpunkt |
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang |
2009 | Promotion am Institut für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin unter der Betreuung von Priv. Doz. Dr. Hua Fan |
"Untersuchung zur Interaktion der Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV mit dem Trankriptions-Aktivator Protein des Humanen Immunschwäche-Virus Typ-1" | |
2004 | Diplomarbeit am Institut für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin unter der Betreuung von Prof. Dr. Stephan Hinderlich |
"Durchführung eines Yeast-Two-Hybrid Screens mit der N- Acetylglukosaminkinase" | |
Auslandsaufenthalte |
04/ 2008 | Belgien: Teilnahme am „3rd International conference on Dipeptidyl Peptidase and related Proteins“ |
Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen |
2010 |
F Tansi, V Blanchard, M Berger, R Tauber, W Reutter, H Fan (2010) Interaction of human dipeptidyl peptidase IV and human immunodeficiency virus type-1 transcription transactivator in Sf9 cells. Virology J 7, 267. |
2011 |
H Fan, F Tansi, J Hu, C Böttcher, W Saenger, W Reutter (2011) Molecular mechanism and structural basis of interactions of dipeptidyl peptidase IV with adenosine deaminase and human immunodeficiency virus type-1 transcription transactivator. European Journal of Cell Biology 91(4), 265-273. |
F Tansi, W Reutter, H Fan (2011) Human dipeptidyl peptidase IV dependent induction of apoptosis in CHO cells by the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 transcription transactivator. In Vorbereitung | |
2013 | F Tansi, R Rüger, M Rabenhold, F Steiniger, A Fahr, WA Kaiser, I Hilger. Liposomal encapsulation of a near-infrared fluorophore enhances fluorescence quenching and reliable whole body optical imaging upon activation in vivo. Small |
2014 | R Rüger, F Tansi, M Rabenhold, F Steiniger, RE Kontermann, A Fahr, I Hilger. (2014) In vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging of FAP-expressing tumors with activatable FAP-targeted, single-chain Fv-Immunoliposomes. J Control Release 186: 1-10; DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.04.050 |
2015 | F Tansi, R Rüger, M Rabenhold, F Steiniger, A Fahr, I Hilger (2015) Fluorescence-quenching of a liposomal-encapsulated near-infrared fluorophore as a tool for in vivo opticalimaging. J. Vis. Exp. (95), e52136, doi:10.3791/52136 |
F Tansi, E Kallweit, C Kaether, K Kappe, C Schumann, I Hilger, S Reissmann. (2015). Internalization of near-infrared fluorescently labeled activatable cell-penetrating peptide and of proteins into human fibrosarcoma cell line HT-1080. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 116:1222–1231 | |
2016 | F Tansi, R Rüger, C Böhm, R E Kontermann, U Teichgräber, A Fahr, I Hilger (2016) Potential of activatable FAP-targeting immunoliposomes in intraoperative imaging of spontaneous metastases; Biomaterials XXX: 1-13 |
Ausgewählte Posterbeiträge |
2004 |
F Tansi, M Berger, W Reutter, S Hinderlich (2004)Potential interaction between N-acetylglucosamine kinase and different proteins using a yeast two-hybrid screen. Glykane - neuartige Basisstrukturen in Therapie und Diagnose; Innovationsforum. Berlin, Dezember 2-3. |
2005 |
F Tansi, W Reutter, H Fan (2005) Inhibition of the Activity of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV by HIV-1 TAT Protein. 9th International Dahlem Symposium on „Cellular Signal Recognition and Transduction”. Berlin, October 13-15. |
2006 |
H Fan, W Weihofen, F Tansi, J Peng, M Leddermann, S Stehling, W Reutter, W. Saenger (2006) Structure and molecular basis of DPPIV/CD26 in immune regulation and HIV-disease. International symposium “Understanding Structure- Function Relationships in Membrane Proteins” Berlin, October 5-7. |
F Tansi, V Blanchard, M Berger, H Fan (2008) Monitoring the effects of HIV TAT protein on DPPIV/CD26 degradation of GLP1 by MALDI TOF analysis. 3rd International Conference on Dipeptidyl Peptidase and Related Proteins Antwerp, Belgium, April 23-25. |