Medical Photonics / Semester information / Winter term 2024/2025 / 3rd semester / Module S3.13 - Molecular biological techniques
Module S3.13 - Molecular biological techniques
PD Dr. Jörg Müller
Dr. Maren Godmann, Prof. Dr. Torsten Heinzel, Dr. Christian Kosan, Dr. Julia von Maltzahn, PD Dr. Jörg Müller,
- Lectures: t.b.a.
- Practical course: at the beginning of the lecture free period of the winter semester
- Please contact Dr. Babovsky if you intend to participate.
This module is part of the M.Sc. Molecular Medicine programme (MolMed S.16), but is offered also to students of the M.Sc. Medical photonics programme.
It gives an introduction into molecular biological methods used in medical research and diagnostics, including:
- Genetic manipulation of microbial and eukaryotic cells: purification of DNA, use of DNA-modifying enzymes, gene cloning, PCR, mutagenesis, transformation, transfection, transduction
- Genome editing: TALEN, ZFN, CRISPR
- DNA sequence analysis: Introduction of different systems, applications
- Quantification of gene expression: RT-qPCR, gene reporters systems, array techniques
- Protein analysis: immunological techniques, protein synthesis, covalent protein modification
- In addition, methods for analysis of protein-DNA-interaction (EMSA, DNase I footprinting; interference footprinting, two-hybrid-systems, FRET) and bacterial and eukaryotic rDNA gene expression systems will be introduced. Further, up-to-date techniques in molecular biological medical diagnostics (flow cytometry, gendiagostic approaches, single cell characterization, molecular imaging and cytogenetics) will be explained and practiced.
Requirements to complete the module:
- written exam at the end of the semeseter
- participatin in the practical course
Exam dates
- will be announced in the lectures