Recommended Textbooks
Computer Science
- Andrew S. Tannenbaum, Todd Austin
Structured Computer Organization, 4th ed.
Pearson 2013
ISBN 978-0-27376924-8
Structured Computer Organization provides a good introduction to computer hardware and architecture. Although it is not needed for this course, it can serve as a useful resource for all students who want to get an introduction and overview to the architecture of computers.
Introductory Texts
- MathWorks: MATLAB Primer: Link
- Brian H. Hahn, Daniel T. Valentine
Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 6th ed.
Academic Press, 2017
ISBN 978-008100877-5
Image Processing
- Rafel C. Gonzales, Richard E. Woods
Digital Image Processing, 4th ed.
Pearson Education, 2017
ISBN: 978-0133356724
Digital Image Processing by Gonzales and Woods is one of the leading textbooks in the field of digital image processing and gives a good introduction to basic concepts and methodologies. It covers all impotant areas of image processing (e.g. intensity transformations, spatial filtering, image processing in the frequency domain, image restoration, color image processing, wavelets, image compression, morphology, segmentation, image description, fundamentals of object recognition). Examples presented in the book, however, do not focus on microscopic images like our course, but show a broad scope of applications.
- Rafel C. Gonzales, Richard E. Woods
Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, 3rd ed.
Pearson Education, 2020
ISBN: 978-0133356724
Whereas the Digital Image Processing book presented above emphasizes the mathematical principles, Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB focuses less on mathematics, but more on algorithms and their software implementation.
Mathematics & Physics
- Gilbert Strang:
Introduction to Linear Algebra
Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Wellesley 2016
ISBN-978-0-9802327-7-6 - Gilbert Strang:
Computational Science and Engineering
Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Wellesley 2007
ISBN 978-0-9614088-1-7
These books of Gilbert Strang give a good introduction into the framework of mathematical methods used in the course. Topics include applied linear algebra and fast solvers, differential equations, Fourier analysis and optimization.
- Daniel Fleisch, Laura Kinnaman:
A Student's Guide to Waves
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2015.
ISBN 978-1-107643260
This book helps to understand the fundamental concepts of waves and the mathematics of wave equations. It is a good supplematal text which helps to understand the important principles.