Medical Photonics / Semester information / Summer term 2020 / 2nd semester / Module F2.1 - Image Processing / Additional resources
Additional resources
On this page you can find links to further resources (textbooks & websites) about topics covered in the course.
Please note: Linked pdfs of journal articles are only accessible from computers directly connected to the computer network of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
- Mathworks Website: Link
- MATLAB Primer: Link
- Resources for students: Link
- MATLAB Online courses: Link
TU Delft
Review articles
- J. Lichtman, J.A. Conchello: Fluorescence microscopy. Nat. Methods 2, 910-919 (2005).
Tutorials of microscope companies (in alphabetical order)
- Hamamatsu: The photomultiplier handbook: pdf
Tutorials of CCD/CMOS manufacturers companies (in alphabetical order)
- Andor: Learning center: Link
- Hamamatsu: Information / technical notes on optical sensors: Link
- Photometrics: Technotes and whitepapers: Link
Mathematics, Algorithms
Maximum Liekelihood Estimation (MLE): Link
Fourier Transform
- 3Blue1Brown: But what is the Fourier Transform? A visual introduction: Link
3Blue1Brown: But what is a Fourier series? From heat flow to circle drawings: Link
Data Compression
- DVD-HQ-info: Link