Seminars Winter Semester 2020/2021
Exercises Biomedical Imaging I - Ionizing Radiation
This semester the seminar will be held in a digital format using the Moodle system of the Friedrich Schiller University. You can find the course in Moodle here:
Seminar team

Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Medizinische Physik

Techniques and applications in experimental MRI - Foundations and current results

Techniques and applications in experimental MRI --- Foundations and current results
When: Wednesday, bi-weekly this summer semester starting on 02. Nov. 2020, time: 15:15 – 16:45
Where: Oval Office, Haus F5, Am Klinikum 1, 07747 Jena
The seminar talks will be held as live-video-conference. We would very much like to keep the live aspect with discussions.
After a testing several alternatives the talks will be held as zoom-video-conference. During the talk there will be the possibility to contact the moderator by text-chat about technical issues or to ask questions. If those questions are asked immediately is at the digression of the moderator. This procedure allows viewers to participate with minmal technical equipment, e.g. mobiles, Laptops, Macs/PCs with sound output. We do, however, strongly encourage to use current browser versions (e.g. firefox or chrome) or the zoom Apps.
After the talk we invite everybody to "raise their hands" (button in zoom) to ask questions via audio and/or video link. The moderator will allow the microphone use by all participants during the discussion or organise it after "hand signals".
We are sorry that most likely we will not have external speakers this summer semester due to travel restrictions and also the talks below are not completely finalized yet.
Of course we will inform you of any upcoming events as soon as we have definite dates and speakers. We really hope that we can successfully run this seminar during the Corona restrictions this semester and look forward to your continued and numerous participation.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Heß
Institut für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Translational brain research: potentials of functional MRI and its analytics to bridge from mouse to bedside
Matthias Kollert
Julius Wolff Institute for Biomechanics and Musculoskeletal Regeneration, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Effects of osmotic changes on tendon tissue mechanics
Dr. Jan Warnking Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences (GIN) - U1216 Inserm UGA, La Tronche, France Methods and applications for preclinical MR imaging of perfusion using arterial spin labelling |
Dr. med. Julia Krämer Klinik für Neurologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster Assessment of neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis by using high resolution MRI |
13.01.2021 16:00!
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Britt Wildemann Klinik für Unfall-, Hand- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Jena Insights in tenocyte biology and tendon pathology |
Jérémie Fouquet Département de médecine nucléaire et radiobiologie , Université de Sherbrook, Québec, Canada |
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Laura Schreiber Deutsches Zentrum für Herzinsuffizienz, Universitätsklinikum Würzburg Translational Cardiovascular MRI at 7T |
Group Seminar
Leiter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen R. Reichenbach
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 02. Nov. 2020
Zeit: Mo, 08:30 - 10:30 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum MRT (Philosophenweg 3, Gebäude 5, "MRT am Steiger")
MR Safety Instructions
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Güllmar
Dr. rer. nat. Karl-Heinz Herrmann
Dates and time: on request
Duration: depending on add on modules (S1 GenTSV, Small Ainmal MRI,.. ) typically 30-60min
Location: Seminar room on 1st floor, MRT Forschungszentrum Am Steiger, Philosophenweg 3, 07743 Jena
For the research MRI systems (3T Prisma, 9.4T small animal) we are currently implementing the MR Safety lecture in moodle. Since the safety lectures in German language are held regularly in Lobda, we will concentrate on English language lectures. Additionally, as a temporary offer, we can make a German language liver-recording available to you.
However, all online letures are complemented by a round of questions snd a multiple-choice Testat in person at the Steiger. Please contact us for Details.
Base Module inactive MRI: general hazards of a switched off MRI system (required)
- superconducting Magnet (Attraction forces)
- Contraindications arising from ther static magnetic field
- compatibility of equipment
- liquid Helium (Quench)
- Emergency procedures
Base Module active MRI: hazards caused by an MRI during operation (required)
- switched imaging gradients
- noise
- induction and peripheral nerve stimulation
- Vibrations of non-magnetic but conductive implants
- High Power Radio-frequency transmitter
- Heating effect on tissue
- wires acting as resonant antenna
- tattoos, piercings, etc.
Add-on Module: S1 GenTSV for small animal MRI (optional, required for access to S1 lab)
- Laws and regulations
- Definitions of Risk/safety level according to GenTSV and BioStoffV
- S1 documentation ahead of experiments
- risk mitigation by standard S1 lab rules
Add-on Module: small animal MRI (optional, required for conducting experiments)
- Requirements
- TVA ahead of time
- executing PIs on location the entire time
- documentation (experiments and medication)
- Animal handling during MRI experiments
- Biomonitoring
- Heating
- Setting up the equipment
- positioning of the animals
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter,
S1 Projektleiter am Kleintier MRT