Lectures in the summer semester 2021
Biomedical Imaging I - Ionizing Radiation
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen R. Reichenbach
- Prof. Dr. Eckhart Förster
Begin: 14.04.2021
Time: Th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Place: Course in Moodle
Since the discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895 imaging systems have become an integral and indispensable part in science and medicine. By now they are an essential key technology in modern biomedicine. Besides the classical X-ray projection and the more recently introduced computed tomography (CT), imaging systems encompass also devices based on magnetic resonance or ultrasound waves.
Continuing on the course Biomedical Imaging I , held in the winter semester 2019/2020, the purpose of this course is to introduce the physical principles, fundamental properties and technical concepts of imaging systems as they are applied today in medicine and physics. Applications and current developments will be presented and should serve to reinforce understanding of this field of imaging science. The focus of this course will be on systems employing non-ionizing radiation. It aims for students of physics, photonics, material science, medicine as well as interested students at the level of the fifth semester or higher.
This semester the lecture will be held in a digital format using the Moodle system of the Friedrich Schiller University. You can find the course in Moodle here: https://moodle.uni-jena.de/course/view.php?id=12080
Seminars in the winter semester 2020/2021
Techniques and Applications in Experimental MRI - Basics and Recent Developments

Techniques and applications in experimental MRI --- Foundations and current results
seminar date and time: Wednesday, bi-weekly; start on 28.04.2021, time: 15:15 – 16:45 Uhr
All talks will be held as zoom-meeting. To keep the interactive style, discussions after the talk are explicitly encouraged so please try to get hold of a microphone to join. You can also ask questions through the chat function.
28.04.2021 |
Prof. Jonathan Fallowfield &Dr. Maurits Jansen University of Edinburgh Centre for Inflammation Research |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Biological Engineering
Next-generation functional MRI using molecular probes of brain activity
26.05.2021 |
Prof. Volker Rasche |
09.06.2021 |
Dr. Andreas Schmid |
23.06.2021 |
Prof. Uli Flögel |
07.07.2021 | Dr. Valeska Stephan wissenschaftliche Referentin der DFG Senatskommission für tierexperimentelle Forschung t.b.a. |
Biomedical imaging techniques in neuroscience: basic principles and current results
lecture period: every Friday (with exceptions) starting 20th May till 16th of July 2021, 02:00 – 03:30 PM
Location: Online Zoom Meeting - https://uni-jena-de.zoom.us/j/65594970358
Seminar List of topics List of Topics as PDF
20.05.2021 (Thursday!) |
Hao Chen |
28.05.2021 |
Maxime Chamberland |
04.06.2021 | Federica Agosta Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano, Italy Classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using a single MRI and deep neural networks |
11.06.2021 |
18.06.2021 |
Francesco Sanvito |
25.06.2021 |
Nick Pawlowski |
02.07.2021 | Antonia Barghoorn University Medical Center Freiburg, Department of Radiology, Medical Physics MR-encephalography (MReg) – Technical Aspects |
09.07.2021 |
N/A |
16.07.2021 |
Yi-Hang Tung |
MR Safety Instructions
Dr.-Ing. Daniel Güllmar
Dr. rer. nat. Karl-Heinz Herrmann
Dates and time: on request
Duration: depending on required modules (MRI, S1 GenTSV, Small Ainmal MRI,.. ) typically 30-120min
Location: Due to Corona restrictions no normal lectures (and we might never restart them, see moodle below)..
Moodle self study: We offer a modular moodle lecture for self study in English.
As a member or student of UKJ or FSU, you can login to the FSU moodle using your FSU login (probably your eduroam login and the mail login for your acount). If you are member of UKJ, please find out how to access your uni-jena.de accounts or if you have to activate your FSU accounts first.
If you are neither associated with UKJ or FSU, please Email me karl-heinz.herrmann(at)med.uni-jena.de and ask for a external access. Please add a few lines stating why, which group you are working with and your project. I will then register you for your Email address. You will have to login into the moodle server as well, otherwise I cannot add you to the lecture.
Once you can login into the moodle server, please contact me: karl-heinz.herrmann(at)med.uni-jena.de so I can subscribe you to the lecture. Please include your Email which you used to login to the moodle server.
To finish your moodle lecture there will be a quick on-site Testat, and some papers to sign. That is also your opportunity to ask any of your questions directly. Please contact Daniel Güllmar or Karl-Heinz Herrmann for an appointment.
You have no valid MR safety unless that paperwork is completed and signed!
Base Module inactive MRI: general hazards of a switched off MRI system (required)
- superconducting Magnet (Attraction forces)
- Contraindications arising from ther static magnetic field
- compatibility of equipment
- liquid Helium (Quench)
- Emergency procedures
Base Module active MRI: hazards caused by an MRI during operation (required)
- switched imaging gradients
- noise
- induction and peripheral nerve stimulation
- Vibrations of non-magnetic but conductive implants
- High Power Radio-frequency transmitter
- Heating effect on tissue
- wires acting as resonant antenna
- tattoos, piercings, etc.
Add-on Module: S1 GenTSV for small animal MRI (optional, required for access to S1 lab)
- Laws and regulations
- Definitions of Risk/safety level according to GenTSV and BioStoffV
- S1 documentation ahead of experiments
- risk mitigation by standard S1 lab rules
Add-on Module: small animal MRI (optional, required for conducting experiments)
- Requirements
- TVA ahead of time
- executing PIs on location the entire time
- documentation (experiments and medication)
- Animal handling during MRI experiments
- Biomonitoring
- Heating
- Setting up the equipment
- positioning of the animals
- Using the Animal and drug tracking
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter,
S1 Projektleiter am Kleintier MRT
Group Seminar Medical Physics
Leiter: Prof. Dr. Jürgen R. Reichenbach
Veranstaltungsbeginn: 14.04.2021
Zeit: Mo, 08:30 - 10:30 Uhr
Ort: Seminarraum MRT (Philosophenweg 3, Gebäude 5, "MRT am Steiger")