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Project: Impact of the microbiome on cognitive function in middle-age subjects. Effects of metformin.
Nationality: Cuban
Supervisor / Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jose Manuel Fernandez-Real, Dr. Jordi Mayneris-Perxachs / Prof. Dr. Ina Bergheim
Host Organisation: The Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IDIBGI), Spain
I did my medical degree in Cuba, at the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. For 3 years I specialized in Internal Medicine. For my specialization I did research on Cancer of unknown origin. In Cuba I worked as physician at the Hospital Universitario Arnaldo Milián Castro. I also taught medical classes to third- and sixth-year medical students. I have 2 publications in medical journals in Cuba.
What is your project/research about? What would you like to find out?
cognition. Different domains of cognition will be explored: attention, memory and executive function in association with metabolic variables and MRI scan with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Blood samples will be collected to measure various markers of microbial translocation/gut barrier function, inflammation by qPCR and ELISA and to process for metabolomics (e.g. SCFA).
The recording of physical activity will be performed through accelerometers on 3 consecutive days. All these variables will be evaluated at baseline and one year thereafter. The effects of metformin will also be evaluated in subjects >65-75 years old before. Metformin is expected to impact on cognitive improvement and the gut-microbiome as well as on the gut barrier function and inflammaging.
Why did you apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN and especially this project?
I applied to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN because they are networks of academic excellence, with comprehensive and competitive training. Studies on the function of the microbiota will be critical to understanding the role of the microbiota in human homeostasis and disease pathogenesis. A better understanding of the functional interactions between the human host and the microbiome is very likely to lead to new diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic capabilities. So, join SmartAge and the Girona research team will allow me to develop and grow professionally.
What is so fascinating for you on research in general?
Research is the way to generate new knowledge. In the sanitary field, it is the only way to know the physiopathology of diseases. Therefore, only in this way we can prevent, diagnose, and cure.
What do you do in your free time? Do you have special interests/hobbies?
I enjoy reading, music and traveling around the world to learn about other cultures.
What are your plans for your future? Where/what you will be in 5 years?
In 5 years, I would like to continue my research in the medical field. My goal is to contribute to making the world a healthier place. I also hope to be able to collaborate with a humanitarian aid organization.